NEW | The YearZero font is available for download on Creative Market.

The “in real life” blend of a hi-tech/lo-tech existence: the YearZero font is a distinctive display font for headings + headlines. It’s a multi weight display family that pays homage to the 1940s (+ other wartime eras) – without the nostalgia often displayed when recounting times of war.

It’s an attempt to pay respect to an iconic era + a nod to facing the future of “the aftermath.”

A new perspective on the cyclical reality of war: although fonts are usually in an idle state, the font shapes suggest movement + growth: a magnificent impermanence of annual harvests + perennial reemergence.

…And…the temporary magnificence of the annual garden: even on the smallest patch of land, the tiniest space…we can be immersed in the beauty, the wonder, the power of the curated ecosystem.

One world has ended; a new, uncertain one begins.

JUST A NOTE | Creative Market is a world-class platform for design assets. At the moment it is the simplest means of providing an interactive demo for fonts, in addition to downloads. There are more options coming up for the sale of digital products, and I’m looking forward to being a part of the innovations taking place in peer-to-peer, decentralized trade.

VISIT | The YearZero digital shop on Creative Market